Sunset Light

From leggings that lift your butt to tea that smells similar to “liquified cake,” TikTok is now one of the most popular sites to find unusual but incredible products you never thought you’d need. Recently, users of the app aren’t able to be satisfied with one inexpensive home improvement: lighting lamps that project the sunset light.
The light, which creates an effect reminiscent of golden hour onto walls, has become a viral phenomenon. TikTok videos that feature the lamp are viewed by more than 138 millions collective views. One user described their lamp as an “game-changer” while another posted an image of the lamp saying “this lamp is the best thing I own.” Users of social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram are also in awe of the dazzling glow.

It’s not surprising that people are raving about this product. Because daylight savings time is leading to earlier sunsets and shorter days and the thought of staying in your home during the colder months and bringing a constant sun-filled space is a perfect solution to ease the winter blues.
They’re affordable, too. There are lamps that have the highest price such as the stylish Halo One which will cost more than $1,000 however, there are many budget-friendly options are available at Etsy, Amazon and other similar stores. Below, we’ve compiled six top lamps that can bring brightness to your home by their gorgeous shades as well as the sunset-like effects.
Sunset Light
Make a room that is dark an inviting space by using the 4.7-star-rated Amazon option. It’s available in shades like Iridescent Blue and sunset Red, which means you’ll be able to discover one that complements the style of your room.
The most popular lamp features a 180-degree head, which means you can turn it around to create various patterns of light in your wall. It also has two lenses on either side, one for an impressive sunset, and the other to create an eerie rainbow-like effect.
This popular Etsy lamp was designed to resemble the hues of the romantic sunset. It creates a relaxing and warm atmosphere in any room it is placed in.